After the 5 o’clock whistle blows, everybody’s got somewhere to be and something to do.

These hobbies and extra-curricular activities we do after work help keep us sharp. Some people might choose reading or Ping-pong to fill the time. Or, others might enjoy sprawling out on the couch and binging on Netflix; whatever it is, I’m not here to judge. Regardless, having a unique hobby is important.

But what do marketers do once they leave the office? Advertising can be a tough gig, and we each need a side pursuit as much as any other industry to stay balanced and engaged.

I asked a few of our own what they do after they leave the agency for the day. Here’s what they said: 

Ed Rooney: Account Director by Day, Brewer by Night.  

“My brand is, ‘It’s Rooney Time.’

“It’ll be three Christmases ago since my wife got me a brewing kit. Since then, I’ve always tried to get the best product possible. I had a co-worker’s husband (who is a master brewer) taste some samples, and he came back to me and said, ‘Ed, you’re underutilizing your hops.’ I asked myself, ‘What in the world does he mean by that?’

“So after he suggested I upgrade my materials, I bought a big 10-gallon kettle and a burner, and now I cook outside. You can call me Heisenberg. It’s gotten more serious.

“Promoting the brand and giving it an identity is important, which is what we strive to do as advertisers for our clients. Then there’s the feedback, also like our relationship with our clients. It really encourages you to stay psyched, to keep it going. And that’s what I’ve been able to do with ‘It’s Rooney Time’ and that’s why I keep it going.”

 Geri Loudenslager: Creative Director and Muralist Extraordinaire.

 “Art started as a natural form of release for me. I was really young when I started sketching, and it grew into endless happiness for me. I knew I needed to make a career out of it.

“Going to a creative art school in Philadelphia was a must! It gave me the ability to go to New York and work there for two years. Then, I returned to Philadelphia to work as a graphic designer for a major insurance company. But after working as a designer for 15 years, I wanted more creative experience. I started my own business, Geri’s Creative Imagery, designing and painting murals, as well as furniture and faux finishes for the residential community.

“I wanted to flex my creative arm even more, so I developed my portfolio to include interior design through the Doylestown ‘designer homes.’ Only interior designers were allowed to do these, but I went for it anyway. It’s all in how you present yourself. When you’re excited about it, and you know you can do it, you give yourself that opportunity and you just go for it. When you get the chance to understand your clients’ needs, then you can produce amazing work that just spreads like wildfire.

“Now, as a creative director, I think the biggest crossover is relationship building. My style can change according to what the clients’ needs are. It’s all according to the client, getting to know them, what their needs are, and doing exactly what they want. It’s how you can transform a blank canvas into something amazing.”

Courtney Bryson: Content Strategist/Dedicated CrossFit Weightlifter.

“I used to be very stressed with a daily commute of over an hour and a half each way. I needed an outlet. My friend’s boyfriend recommended CrossFit, so I found one near me and went to my first class. I didn’t know anyone. I just walked in.

“I loved it. They made me feel comfortable. The coaches gave me a lot of attention, which was kind of like my own personal training session.

“After being there for a few months, I got really close to a lot of people there. I think the community aspect holds you very accountable. When you’re suffering through a workout and there are people cheering you on, telling you to finish, you feel proud of yourself in the end – especially when you do something you couldn’t do a week ago.

“Olympic weightlifting is something I love. A lot of people think it’s strange, but CrossFit has given me a sense of confidence I didn’t have before. It trickles down into your personal life. My boyfriend always tells me I walk with my head up now.

“It’s not as scary as people think it is, either. Try it. I think people would surprise themselves if they decided to step into a CrossFit gym.”

Your turn. What’s your unique “thing” that keeps you going after the work day ends? Drop us a line on Twitter @QuattroPhilly. Ready. Set. Tweet.